Tips For Using Appropriate Force When Subduing A Combative Patient

One of the ways that you'll make the hospital safer for staff and patients alike when you work as a security officer is subduing combative patients. Those who are intoxicated, distraught, or facing mental health issues can threaten the safety of those at the hospital, which means that as soon as a patient appears to be problematic, you'll be called and need to rush to the scene. Your calm and assertive presence can often diffuse situations, but there will sometimes be incidents that require you to take a hands-on approach to the patient. When doing so, it's imperative that you use appropriate force. Here are some tips for doing so.

Control His/Her Hands

An early key to controlling a combative patient and calming down the situation is to control the patient's hands. When he or she cannot punch, push, or slap, the patient becomes less of a threat. You can control the patient's hands by simply grabbing his or her wrists, and then using force to pull them down so that they're against the patient's body. This type of hold is effective at getting the patient under control and demonstrating that you have taken charge of the situation.

Apply Pressure

Taking control of the patient's hands can often end a conflict, but there are those for whom this won't have a major effect. If the patient isn't responding or, worse, is getting more combative, you'll need to apply pressure to send a clear message that the patient needs to submit. In your security training, you'll have learned about a variety of pressure holds that cause short-term discomfort but won't actually cause physical harm to the patient. For example, a thumb lock, in which you apply pressure to the thumb so that it begins to bend awkwardly, can often take the fight out of someone who is combative.

Go To The Ground

In more extreme situations, it may be necessary to take the combative patient to the ground — not in an effort to inflict pain, but rather to control him or her. A leg sweep while you wrap up the patient's upper body can cause him or her to fall in a controlled manner. In such a situation, you can use your hands to control the patient's hands and even manipulate your legs around the patient's legs so that he or she can't kick you or others. Holding the patient in this position may be necessary until a fellow officer arrives who can help you to secure the patient's hands with zip ties.

For more information, contact your local hospital security services.

About Me

Security Basics for Business Owners

After I opened my first business, an electronics store, I was excited to begin making a profit. However, I made a big mistake -- I didn't invest in a good security system to protect my store or inventory. After just a couple of weeks in business, I walked into my store to see that someone had broken into it and stolen a few of my top-dollar items. I soon became determined to make my business as secure as possible and put a lot of research into business security options. I am happy to say that my store hasn't been broken into since, and it has now been 10 years since I opened it! I am now eager to share what I learned about business security with other business owners who need the advice on my new blog!



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